Poker 101
Tonite from 6.15, ill be conducting another
poker 101 class, if anyone is interested.
Yesterday i was paranoid that the students
would get better than the teacher, but i
guess thats the goal of any good teacher.
But i guess i wont teach them the fatal
5 palm exploding heart manouevure just yet.
I know any of my friends could be taught
to be a winning player on pp, as long as they
have a little bit of discipline and patience.
It helps if ppl tell whether they're coming
or not. Feel free to bring a cable/laptop,
as u can be hooked into ze network.
Is anyone going to come vegas in a month? Pls?
Anyone ? Im 95% going. Prolly go from the
2nd to the 17th of July. If u come along
ill pay for accomodation and food, depending
who u are :) Live on the edge cmon ! I guess
im happy to go myself, but would be good.
If u dont want to go coz u have to come with
me or its not ur cup of tea thats a good reason,
if u dont want to go coz its too short a notice,
you should look in the mirror and look wat
uve become :)
Vegan Brad
Vegan - a strict vegetarian : one that consumes no animal food or dairy products
Brad - semi-carnivore - likes to a consume meat, preferably rare cow,
favourite drink - ice coffee
So "vegan brad" - would seem to be an oxymoron. Which is why
when Brad said that he was going over to melbourne with the
rest of work and told me bad luck, there had to be
repecussions. This came in the form of replying to the
email sent by the melbourne office asking for any special
dietary requirements to be passed on. I replied from
Brad's account saying that he had recently become a vegan,
and would like a vegan meal. Then i deleted the sent item...
So when brad said how much he was looking forward to dinner
earlier that morning b4 flying out, i could only smile. Unfortunately
the facts are thin at this stage, coz brad still seams
to be bitter about the embarassment caused. I know
that he ended up eating his steak. I know that some
waiter was trying to force him to eat a vegan meal. Asking
for brad harrisson, and then saying there is a vegan meal
for him. Which brad could only reply that he was brad, but
didnt order a meal. I also know the head of the accc energy section
was seating on the same table as brad and another senior
person, both whom hardly knew him, and saw brad complain
about this vegan meal which had been specially prepared
for him. The girl who organised this, was freaking out
a little, coz she saw brad eating a steak, and thought
he was vegetarian, so i guess there was a little havoc
caused, but i wish i could have been htere :)
went into borders after lunch with frage. Looked
at the poker books section, found a moneymaker book
about 2003. Gave it to the shop lady at the counter.
lady: i watched the poker on saturday night
me: yah, i ve seen them all
lady: its really interesting
(me nodding)
belfrage (in the background loud enuff of for the
lady to here): hes been on the show
lady: you know they play for a lot of money
belfrage (in the background): hes a poker player
lady: well good luck, may be one day you will get
on there
belfrage: (in the background) hes one of them
me: thanks
Funny, i dont think that lady believed anything
belfrage said, funny
Happy Monday
Its over ! Work have decided to release me, and let
me go into the abyss. Ive got leave as off this friday
till i finish. Wow , thats it! Boss asked me today
what i had planned, at the moment not a lot,
Lunch ended up getting 2nd lunch at sushi train.
Sushi train seems to have a lot more girls there
than guys, which is probably why brad keeps going
there, not to mention the japanese girls who work
there. Wondered around town after lunch, looking for
gloves with dayle, obviously bored. Discovered a
pair of sunglasses i might buy at Myers, after
i broke the last pair jumping over the CHS fence.
Gave blood in the afternoon. Tell u wats stupid !
Ppl requesting their tsunami donations back over
the corby case. Looked thru the time fashion magazine,
need to re-decorate my house somehow.
Got roped into law 101 with Maja. Well its been
a while since ive done any law stuff. Ate at
european cafe, not bad. Got the dvds i was suppose
to get off james. Then went to spatz, good desert
- banana crepes. Ordered mocha, i dont know why
i dont like coffee, i couldnt drink any of it,
so that was a waste. I think i ordered it
coz of the name.
Goran and james came over to watch the end of
the apprentice, only part one of two. James
took some random photos of skateboarders,
not sure why.
autrographed rounder's script coming my way, actually
im quite sure they're photcopied autographs, but who
cares, or perhaps they're genuine !!
wheels are in motion
I got an email from the party poker ppl, checking
my address coz they're sending the dvd. Its
coming ...
Rounders !
Cant remember the quotes from the film? Then
look no further than the rounders' script !
Nai found one on ebay, autographed by the 3
of them (kgb, damon, norton) currently ive put in a bid, and
with a bit of luck it will be ours !
Also getting any copy of the script is quite difficult,
only a day to go, weeee :)
Whilst i sat in my office by myself, some lady came
up to me who works in a different area, and was asking
where everyone was (they're in melbourne) and she
said y i wasnt there? And i said im not joining up.
Which she seemed shocked by and asked whether it was my
choice, and whether i had another job lined up. I said
I didnt really have another job lined up, and her
eyes seemed to say oh u poor thing, u have no job to
go to. And she wished me luck in a comforting tone.
Its funny, but ppl assume not having a job
is the worst thing in the world. I didnt say i was
going to support myself playing poker, that i prolly
earned more than her in few hours than she did in a week,
i just accepted the pity, and we were both better off
for it :)
Thursday hijinks
caught up with luke and finch for lunch, always entertaining.
Showed off where im living, which he was thoroughly
impressed. Apparently he lives almost across the road.
Luke - Practising lawyer, who wants to be a musician/actor
Finch - Non practising lawyer, unemployed wants to be
script writer / novelist / may be actor
me - no idea about the law, soon to be unemployed , poker
player / wants to do be film maker
Its a good blend. He sent me a msg in the morning saying
he saw me outside my window throwing keys out, and said
i should start a takeaway store where i drop food out the
window. Enter Frage, whom i threw the keys to. He
spends 5mins trying to work out how to open the door,
b4 i realise he'll prolly never work it out and i have
to run down and open it. Win a ST tourney, high 5, grab
a beer off to CHS. Except ive been challenged to wear
my robe and his russian hat. So i walk through the city
with bathrobe and a russian hat, prolly got the most
reaction when i was walking past the greek restaurant.
Lot of "did u see that man, he was wearing a robe!"
Thankfully jon dropped me home, because when we were
at the lights, some strange desmond was peering into
the window, i fear for my safety sometimes.
Tournament credit contribution
Following on from the last post, Ive been thinking
that it might be unfair, with the increased tournament
buy-ins. Even tho the game is probably a better standard,
is it unfair for people to fork out $50 etc? One
reason is the average person prolly plays $20 or so
tourneys, and I play $200 (/$400), so someone is
paying 2 x as much and Im paying an 8th or a quarter.
But i still think we're better off playing the higher
stake ones a bit more, coz we all improve, me
included. So as an encouragement for ppl to
play, im offering a 50% tournament creditation system
from high stakes games ($30 or more).
Its unfrotunately painful to calculate. But wat
happens is this, if you pay $50 for a ST tourney,
and say i win. You get $25, going towards a stake in
a seat in a tourney i designate. So for example
say i play in the $500 tourney next week in melbourne.
1/2 your buy in on tourneys where u dont cash gets credit.
Complicated perhaps, but seems fair : )
So far ppl with credit are:
dayle - 25
brad - 25
Poker Tourneys
High stakes or low stakes ? We played a tourney
yesterday, where we started with 2000 in chips,
with blind levels of 8mins. It actually worked
well, coz it was finished in 75mins. The
buy in was $10.
The blind levels were - time gone :
25-25 - 8
25-50 - 16
50-100 - 24
75-150 - 32
100-200 - 40
150-300 - 48
200-400 - 56
300-600 - 104
500-1000 - 112
Perhaps a $20 or more buy-in would have yielded
slightly better play, but the compromise is between
people having fun. With this kind of structure its
quite easy to run two events, one with a higher
buy in and one with a lower buy in, or say two of
$20. People were encouraged to play quickly coz,
it meant u could get more hands in.
A new day a new lease of life !
A good poker player is always looking to improve, and
perhaps that is one of my strengths, usaully im
always looking for new opportunities to improve my game, and try
things that might work. But i probably dont do that
in my normal day to day life. Looking back in the
last week, ive been a sooky la la, despite winning
a lot at poker, someone called me a "whiney whinger".
And i guess in many ways thats fair. One cause
could be work dragging on longer than it should,
but frankly thats a poor excuse. Anyway im going
to try to move towards the happy monkey society (HMS).
Unfortunate problem about the HMS, is that its
ideals are quite radical in today's framework,
but everyone would be a lot happier if it was ahered
Work alone !
Im the only one at work, everyone has gone to
melbourne, and since im not moving over to the
new organisation i wasnt invited. Oh well. Brad's
given me two things to do over the next 2 days,
and the IT guy has given me one thing. I wonder
whether i can set up poker here ? i did
bring in a poker book as back up.
Seinfeld esque lunch
Between finch and myself we seem to have a lot
of the seinfeld characteristics covered, ive probably
got some seinfeld / kramer traits and hes probably
got the george / elaine characteristics. Especially
george coz he is unemployed. Which makes
lunches entertaining, and typically wacky. Anyway
he was telling, me how he was buying flowers for
mother's day. Which he has to buy 3 lots, 1 for his
mom, his grandma and his sister. Hes on the parade,
and goes into a flowery or nursery. Bunches of flowers
are $10, which he figures are way too much. He
offers the lady, 3 bunches for $20. She says no,'
so he says he will go somewhere else. She says $28.
He says he wont go over $21. She offers $25. Eventually
get down to $23, and then he says bugger it, i dont
want your flowers and walks out. He walks a few
hundred metres down the road, and there is an
italian lady selling the same flowers for $5 a bunch.
He buys 3, finds $12 in his pocket. She says $12 is
fine and everyone is happy. Then whilst driving
up the parade he sees the other lady standing out
the store, and he grabs the flowers winds downs
the window and starts shaking the flower at the lady.
She shakes her fist back at him, actual fist shaking
by an older lady. He accidentally dropped a single
flower out the car whilst shaking, which his mum was
curious as to why one was broken
off, ha.
I can picture it now, so immature its gold !
Luke's Back!
Hooray, although its been tough to organise a
time to meet with him, and we virtually
crossed paths in the air, as he flew into
australia, and i flew out to london a month
ago, hes back from his 2 year adventure, and
we get to meet up !! Wow 2 years is a long time,
if i handnt gone to england a month ago, i
dont think i could have said ive done anything,
Poker table arrives !
The poker craze continues, now we have a poker
table !! This is in addition to our poker chips,
and poker books and poker know how! Actually
i think only the latter is missing.
Two nights ago i had a dream where the poker table,
was at my house and i was sleeping, and everyone
came over to play a game, and didnt wake me up.
And then i woke up and they wouldnt let me
play, and I got very angry, and I kicked everyone
out of the house along with the table. I predict
the table will bring dooom and glooom, i think
it should stay at dooon...
Tho it did look quite good at CHS :)
1. Lunch - gays - order eggplant
parm, believing it to be egglplant and chicken , but its
just eggplant. $14 for eggplant parm, bull! Order another
meal on my way back.
1. Beach volleyball - we play pretty well, slow
down at the end, lose in the final set. dang.
2. Post work drinks - mansions, sometimes i
dont think ppl listen to me, anyway, i
over-reacted, but i refused to drink there.
Its underground, very empty, but the worst
thing is the flashing lights and the pokies.
Next time they will probably drink at KKK
head quarters, another place where im
unlikely to have a beer.
3. Indoor soccer - depleted team, stupid
referee (called a goal in after hitting
the post twice), niggling team, we lose
our first game.
4. Poker chs - out first hand ! Wat a joke. A
$5 game unfortunately is the equivalent to playing
table tennis with the bat in your mouth. Imagine
if we did that, no one would play? At least
that would be in funny. But in poker
playing ppl like to that kind of game. Here is
the hand. I raise to 100 (blinds 25) - chad
thinks about it and calls the bet. I feel hes got
nothing good but hes hoping to get lucky. 5%
of your stack prolly fair enuff.
Flop comes 3d-2d-5d, he checks i bet
150, he comes over the top for 800. Ok, this
is the first part of stupidity. Currently
there is 375 in the pot, so a bet of 800 is
ridiculous. Theres nothing wrong with over
betting but 500 perhaps, 800 is way too much.
Then I re-raise all in, believing his hand contains
no diamonds and he would have a tough call.
He instantaneously calls. Flipping
A-4 off suit no diamonds. Im in trouble and
I lose. I have no qualms about the call, its
just not an instaneous call? I mean A-4 off suit,
is drawing dead, to a made flush. And i would
have bet the hand exactly the same if i had
a made flush, even if i had the AK of diamonds.
Coz he could have 2 pair/set, and y let him try
and out draw me, after that first bet. A $5 tourney
brings out $5 plays, im happy to play $5 tourney
but does it have to be ridiculous? Also the call with A-4,
i ve raised in early position, and a-4 is a hand
thats easily dominated, and is much more likely to get
you in trouble.
Negreanu had a similar hand
in the tournament of champions where he made
a slight over bet of the pot(1/2 his chips),
on a 7-6-5 hand with two pair, and lederer came over the top
with his king high flush, and negreanu thought
about it and folded. The emphasis is on the
THINKING. Ihink and make a call, dont just look
at your cards and go, ive got a straight u
might have anything, i could be drawing dead,
wat the hell ?!
Sorry but ppl who say the buy in doesnt affect the
game are in lala land, two weeks ago he folds AK,
this week he calls A-4, makes a massive over bet and
calls straight away possibly drawing dead, hmmmm.
Im willing to admit I shouldnt be fussy about
the quality of games, but for someone who plays often
and wants to play in the june event, id hope
for more! We should be helping each other by playing
at a decent standrad :)