Poker Tourneys
High stakes or low stakes ? We played a tourney
yesterday, where we started with 2000 in chips,
with blind levels of 8mins. It actually worked
well, coz it was finished in 75mins. The
buy in was $10.
The blind levels were - time gone :
25-25 - 8
25-50 - 16
50-100 - 24
75-150 - 32
100-200 - 40
150-300 - 48
200-400 - 56
300-600 - 104
500-1000 - 112
Perhaps a $20 or more buy-in would have yielded
slightly better play, but the compromise is between
people having fun. With this kind of structure its
quite easy to run two events, one with a higher
buy in and one with a lower buy in, or say two of
$20. People were encouraged to play quickly coz,
it meant u could get more hands in.