last night beers at the exter were good, other than
that the rest of the weekend was disapointing,
crows lost, and i was bored for the entire duration.
i was out. I blame that on myself , friday
night poker i was stuck on my own table, (tho
dg was funny - "you are a river rat")
saturday when i was out i was bored, on sunday
when i was out i was bored, seems like everyone
watches tv whenever i am over.
On the upside i improved my ring poker, and learnt
a few more things. Everytime i lose or win a decent
pot esp, i work out whether i played it well or could
have played it better.
This morning, played a nice hand with Ks. Three
ppl limp , guy raises it to 6x BB, the button calls,
I call, the first limper calls, and so do the other 2.
Flop comes J-8-3 rainbow. I check and the early
limper bets 1000 into 800 pot. Now i was considering
betting but with so many ppl in the hnad, i like to
get as much information as possible. Now as it turned
out everyone else folds all the way to me. See if
i bet and got called, i could be up against a set, or
may be aces, and not know where i stand, however
as it turned out now I just need to analyse one persons
hand correctly. My biggest concern is he has aces,
he limped and called a large raise, but i can prolly
rule that out, coz he chose to call the raise, after 3
other ppl came in and 2 other ppl would call,
meaning if he had As, it was an excellent spot to re-raise,
and he didnt, his call seemed for value. Next question
did he have a set ? His overbet seemed to want to drive
ppl out of the pot, not induce a call. If he flopped a set
of 8s or Js, surely you would want action with so many
ppl still to act, he had an excellent opportunity to check
raise, and therefore i concluded he had something like
A-J. I check raised all in, he had Q-J, and took it down.