Monday, August 22, 2005
  Sifu training
I usually dont bother explaining things like blackjack
and poker to ppl, coz everyone has their own fixed views.
Sometimes it can be a grey area, sometimes its virtually
black and white. I dont think its ppl being stubborn,
its just my inability to explain something properly and
perhaps ppl not being ready.

Its like tyring to explain the earth is round, and someone
is adamant its flat, why confront such ppl ?.

For example in the karate kid, he wants to to get trained by
MrMiyagi, Mr Miyagi doesnt pull him aside and train
him up. It was also similar to when I was in London, I
tried to talk to the lee_nelson when i could to
understand how he thought through things, and I learnt
valuable lessons. I guess he could see that I was
keen to accept and understand his point, even tho i
was questioning his decision to go/call all in with 6s,
and this the day after he took down the competition.
While i am no leenelson, or mr miyagi i have learnt
a useful lesson from the masters.

The master is like a flower, and students are like
insects buzzing around. The flower does not seek the insect,
but the insect seeks the flower. Then if the flower is open,
and the insects timing is right, the nectar can be obtained.

The insect wants more nector from the flower, when can the flower open to the insect?
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