Sunday, August 07, 2005
  sat night ...
Watched cricket on Saturday night, as i was over at aunts
place of dinner. Coz my cousin is getting married,
its kind of one of those bizzare meet the other parents
type thing. And coz my cousin(S) and his fiancee(Sh) are in
london, it was just "adults" (parents), me, Sh's sister
and my cousin(g).

Its kind of funny now, coz my parents pretty much have
to say im a poker player, coz thats always the type
of conversation that comes up. What does your son do?
Which is something, if you were Indian wouldnt be the
best thing to say your son does. Did you know so and
sos son is a gambler ? Thats just how it is.

And Sh's sister was asking me so what do you do, are
you studying or working ? Ha, its like those are the
only 2 options. Anyway I said Ive finished studying,
and ive finished working. Which i usually get
puzzled looks, but my cousin was like, yeah its true,
we dont really know what he does.

And then i said i was a professional poker player,
and that just makes no sense to the average person,
really ? how ? can you make any money ? Then i
told about London , coz i also managed to visit my
cousin and fiancee when i was over there. And she
was like waddya mean, i never heard about that.
And then i said yeh i was on tv too, ha it was all so
funny. Ive finally got something decent to say to ppl when
someone says what do you do ! No more blah blah,
accc, law, computer science, rubbish.

Later we were playing heads up poker whilst watching
the cricket. Grayte thing about poker, is ppl always
for some reason get into it?! It exceeds most sports.

[Final hand - raise with qd-7s, flop came qs-js-4s.
Bet called. Turn a 3d. I bet big called again. River 7.
Push all in, get called. Flips over j-4, my two pair
on the river takes it, phew that was lucky :)]

Anyway poker is in some super category. If u like sports u like
poker, and if u dont like sports, u can still get into
poker. Perhaps it gives ppl a chance to compete on
a level playing field, irrespective of who you are ?

Anyway somehow got onto wat u keep in the boot of ur
car, sh's sister's boot contains:
- random golf clubs
- hockey stick
- cricket gear
- tennis racquet
- afl football

Gold ! My brother and i are basically like brothers to my
cousin, both genetically (his mum and my mum are twins) and
coz we grew up together. And coz we prolly would have had to do
stuff with Sh's sister, it'll just be a hit of golf, may
be some tennis, ah easy. Ah this whole wedding thing suddenly seems
like a breeze. And then Sh's mom by the end of it was
asking whether it was possible to watch me playing online.
Who would have thought convervative indian doctor types could
get into poker !

Its good being surprised :)
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