Watch what you watch and read?
There is a definate correlation, to how i play
after watching wpt or reading a book about
the world series. In the tv episodes u see
a crazy play they make and then suddenly u feel an urge to
replicate the craziness. I dont really do that
monkey see monkey do much anymore, but reading the moneymaker book,
prompted me back into crazy mode. I played a little
in the morning, and after bluffing 40% away of
my chips on A-Q against a maniac on a nothing
flop and turn i was like hmmmm. But that didnt stop me from
calling chips of in three tourneys into dominated situations.
Coz i was reading the chapter where he pulls
the great bluff against farha. Idiot he didnt call
his chips be bet them ! Ha, luckily
i came out of it slightly up, but god i played
like junk.
Anyway lesson one, reading and
playing is prolly not a good combination. But
its important to realise that one hand out
of 13 hours of play where he pulls of a great
bluff, is just a drop in the ocean. Ppl see
a drop and try and turn into a wave. Actually
wat the hell does that mean, point is dont see
crazy plays and try and use them, coz they're
to be used sparingly at best! That was one important
lesson i learnt from watching all those heats
in london. There was only 1 player who really
played crazy and well, damn, he was entertaining
to watch ! He was this super nice guy from ireland,
that ended up coming 3rd. Highly recommend
watching his episodes. It is fun to mix it up
but be aware and beware !!